9 Recommendations for Ramadan

9 Recommendations for Ramadan

These are recommendations attributed to Ayatullāh Kashmirī, an eminent and contemporary teacher of akhlāq.

  1. Quality over quantity: 

Don’t simply complete (khatm) verses and supplications, rather, pursue digesting them. Take in small bites of (spiritual) food so that it becomes a part of your soul. Our biggest problem is our superificalitiy towards religion. For example, think about how many years of fasting have passed which you spent eagerly in excessive reading and recitation; where have you reached with that and what did you achieve from it? 

In the beginning of the month, be sure to make an intention that your fasts are only for the sake of Allah, only Allah! Practise the etiquettes and recommended acts of fasting only to the point  that you have energy and spirit for! 

  1. The spring of the Qurʿān

Ramadan is the spring of the Qurʿān. In this spring, choose one verse per day, and then recite and contemplate on that verse until iftar! Hopefully, as iftar draws near, the true meaning of the verse will unveil itself to you!

  1. Endear yourself to God

Break your fast within your homes as much as it is possible. In fact, don’t break your fasts in the mosques. Allow the blessings of iftar and the guaranteed duas in the moments of breaking your fast to be directed towards your family in your home. 

When you are breaking your fast, perform dilāl i.e. endear yourself to God. You have fasted for His sake and the Almighty has opened his banquet of His generosity for you. Bring the first bite of iftar close to your mouth, but do not eat! Rather, pray and supplicate. Tell God “I will only eat and break my fast if you answer my calls!” This state of yours will cause miracles! 

  1. Reflection

Ensure to spend at least a few minutes from the enchanted hours of the fasting day in the best form of worship, which is nothing but thought and reflection! Have some solitude with you and your Lord. Particularly, think about your relationship with the Almighty, in the hopes that the doors of spiritual knowledge and self awareness will open for you. 

  1. Long prostrations

During the month of Ramadan, one of the most important states of servanthood to Allah, is the one which the Prophet placed a great emphasis on, which is long prostrations (sajda). 

Indeed, only God and His true friends know the unfathomable amounts of blessing that are showered on the servant while he is in the state of prostration. Make sure to have at least one long prostration everyday. 

  1. Tears!

The heavenly ark of Ramadan will reach the shores of salvation through the waters of tears! Ask Allah (swt) in this month, to grant you tears during its magical dawns, 

  1. Manners!

The secret to staying as a guest in God’s banquet is the potion of good manners. Treat your children, close ones, and friends with this elixir. The smallest moments of anger and ill manners are the moments you are kicked out of this invitation!

  1. The night of Qadr

From the beginning of the month, your goal should be the night of Qadr. There is much that can be said in this regard, but not all that is known is to be preached. Regardless, note: strive so that the night of Qadr manifests and happens within your soul, not just within the month! (As in: don’t let it become just another night in the month.)

  1. Attention to the Imam

During the entire month, do not sway your attention away from the one who truly fasts this month, i.e. the most perfect and complete human, the Imam of our time. 

Published by Ali Safdari

3 comments on “9 Recommendations for Ramadan”

  1. SA
    Shukran for the guidance during Shahru Ramadhan.
    May I ask for guidance for the remaining of the year please?
    Ali asghar

  2. Salaam
    Mashallah, beautiful explanation, Allah (swt) increase your knowledge.

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