بسمه تعالى Current scientific literature dates the appearance of modern human species, namely the Homosapiens, to anywhere between 65,000[1]-300,000[2] years ago.[3] Do these findings contradict religious teachings about the creation of Adam (p)? In answering…
Answering some objections: On holding the beard and swaying the finger in the supplication of Rajab (2)
بسمه تعالى My good friend, Sayyid Ali Imran, produced an article providing new insights into the supplication of Rajab as well comments and observations on some of the arguments I made in my earlier writing…
On holding the beard and swaying the finger in the supplication of Rajab
In this writing, I will discuss: whether swaying the finger is part of the supplication of Rajab whether the gestures should be performed from the beginning or only at the end provide explanations for these…
Further Thoughts on “The Halal of Muhammad Will be Halal Until the Day of Judgement”
Introduction: Statements and laws issued by the Prophet (and for that matter any another of the maʿṣūmīn) fall into at least three categories: Hukm Sharʿī (religious laws, laws of Islam): what was issued from him…
Is God unjust for placing people in different families and environments?
(The main ideas of this writing are derived from a lecture given by Sayyid Munīr al-Khabbāz with additions and deletions. The last section was produced after critical remarks brought forth by TheMuslimTheist) Why does God…
Why do Prophets and Imāms ask for forgiveness if they are infallible from sin?
This dilemma puzzled me as a child: from one side, we are taught that Prophets and Imams did not commit any sins and from the other we read of their conversations with God that are…
Salvation of non-Muslims in the view of contemporary Imami scholars
In this writing, I will present the views of Imam Khomeini, Shahid Mutaharri and Sayyid Munir al-Khabbaz on this matter. Imam Khomeini (d. 1989): Deficient disbelievers (qāṣir) are those who did not subscribe to God’s…
Can we use Reason to deduce religious law?
The fixed and changeable in Islamic Legislation (3) Click for Lesson 1, Lesson 2 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و صلی الله علی محمد و آله الطیبین الطاهرین This is a translation of lessons given by…
The authority of Reason in deducing religious laws
(Reading time: 15-20 min | Click here for Lesson 1) “The fixed and changeable in Islamic Legislation” (Pt 2) This is a translation of lessons given by Ayatullah Sayyid Munīr al-Khabbāz attended in the year…
The Fixed and Changeable in Islamic Legislation (1)
(Reading time: 12-15 minutes | Difficulty: Moderate-Advanced) This is a translation of lessons given by Ayatullah Sayyid Munīr al-Khabbāz attended in the year 2019-20. For the sake of comprehensibility, there has been additions, removals and…